10 Hey Duggee series three activites

The new series may be over but the fun doesn’t need to stop there! Check out these awesome series three activities.
The Duck Badge
Duck duck duck! Splash, splash, splash! Navigate the maze and follow the instructions on the sheet to earn your Duck Badge!
- Duck maze activity sheet (colour version)
- Duck maze activity sheet (black and white version)
- Duck badge activity sheet (colour version)
- Duck badge activity sheet (black and white version)
The Camouflage Badge
Download the activity sheets and see if you can match the squirrel to the correct background. Plus learn to play our colour-matching camouflage game at home.
- Camouflage the squirrel activity sheet (colour version)
- Camouflage the squirrel activity sheet (black and white version)
- Earn your Camouflage Badge game (colour version)
- Earn your Camouflage Badge game (black and white version)
The Being Quiet Badge
Colouring pens and crayons at the ready! It’s time to find and colour in the Snard!
The Toothbrushing Badge
The Toothbrushing Song is now available in Duggee’s Squirrel Club app! Watch along as you brush! Morning and evening every day. Up and down. Round and Round to earn your Toothbrushing badge! Download the reward charts to keep on track.
The Tree Badge
It’s time to get outside and be at one with nature! There’s loads of fun things to do on a forest walk. Plus download our fun activity sheets to earn your Tree Badge!