A royal crown fit for royal Squirrels. Scroll down for instructions on how to make your own.
You will need:
- Printable paper templates (download below)
- Scissors
- Glue or sticky tape
Note: Make sure you have a grown up with you to help with scissors and small pieces
- Download and print the templates by clicking the button below.
- With the help of a grown up, cut out the strips from the template.
- Start building the crown with the base. Use some sticky tape or glue to make a the headband. Remember to make sure it fits your head.
- Next with the 8 blue strips, attach them to the headband using sticky tape of glue in a criss-cross patten. See image above.
- Finish your crown by adding the final piece (the blue circle and red square in template 1) to the top of your crown.
- Now proudly pop your crown on your head for all to see, your highness.