The Wedding Badge
Season 2, Episode 40 | by Ian Skelton
What’s it all about?
Wow! Duggee and the Squirrels have been invited to a wedding! But who is getting married?
It is with very great pleasure that I invite Duggee and the Squirrels to my wedding… King Tiger has met his perfect partner and he is getting married. It’s going to be a royal wedding!! And Duggee has a very special job to do.
This Is The Episode Where…
- The postman delivers a letter for Digley and the Squiggles
- All the wedding guests bring fruit and wear hats to the wedding
- This episode features the jelly belly dancers!
- The Squirrels repair Chew Chew ‘s wedding dress using fruit!
favourite moments
My darling you look so fruity!“
King Tiger
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