The Carrot Badge
Season 5, Episode 1 | by Diggy Hicks-Little
What’s it all about?
The Hippy Rabbits are preparing for the Carrot Solstice, the day when the sun is at its highest. They plan to celebrate by gathering round Carrot Henge for a huge summer festival. But who will look after the carrots while they prepare for the festivities? Duggee and the Squirrels of course!
Oh no! Worm has eaten part of Carrot Henge. Now Carrot Solstice will be ruined! But don’t worry, Duggee and the Squirrels have a plan to fix it and make sure the festivities in honour of the Rabbits favourite vegetable can go ahead. Cool maaan!
This Is The Episode Where…
- The Squirrels are tending the allotment
- Duggee is growing prize-winning giant carrots
- The Hippy Rabbits are preparing for the carrot solstice at Carrot Henge
- Duggee and the Squirrels offer to look after Carrot Henge.
- Worm eats a lot of carrots.
- The Hippy Rabbits have a festival.
Favourite Moments
When the sun is at its highest, we honour the mighty carrot“
Hippy Rabbits
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